As is often the case in times of change,
organizational structures and the language for describing an organization's
activities do not adequately reflect the transformations under way.
Consequently, while the descriptions that follow derive from traditional
functions of libraries (collection development, cataloging and access, user
services, and place) these descriptions fall short in the contemporary context.
The sections that follow use selected examples to
explore the dimensions of change in the classic roles of libraries. Are core
functions and expertise being sustained? How have external forces left their mark?
The cases include instances where traditional functions have been stretched and
build on core activity, as well as instances where innovation reflects a
significant break from past activity. The cases also reveal an evolution from
models that capitalize on the distributed environment to models that are more
open and diffuse.
Libraries have been in the collection business for
centuries and are defined largely by the functions of collection development
and management, that is, by a continuum of processes to select content
appropriate for a particular community, make it accessible, manage it, and
preserve it. These discrete functions have been viewed as necessary components
of good collection stewardship, and they have obvious definition in a physical
context. Libraries bought books (which they then owned), organized them, made
them available through library facilities, and took steps to ensure the
longevity of the volumes for future use.
To some extent, this full stewardship model is
being followed in the digital arena. Libraries acquire and secure ownership of
digital content (typically through license), store the content on local
servers, and make it accessible to a target community. Libraries attempt, as
protocols permit, to ensure long-term access to the digital collection through
license conditions and through practices to create backup and redundancy, and
to migrate the content over time. In a variation of the model, some libraries
host commercial content or centrally manage content of other campus units. In
both of these cases, the classic collection stewardship model is sustained
largely intact. A defining characteristic of this traditional model is the
library's ability to exercise primary responsibility for and control over the
content and future access to that content.
Increasingly, the capabilities of the distributed
environment prompt an unbundling of the discrete component functions of
traditional collection development and management responsibilities. Models in
which the library retains central control over content, its access, and its
longevity may no longer be appropriate or sustainable. Consequently, we see
instances of libraries providing access to electronic content that they neither
own nor manage. The library may also preserve and archive content that is not
accessible to users.
An interesting illustration of this unbundling of
collection functions can be found in a model of collection federation. These
efforts typically create structures with both decentralized and centralized
responsibilities. Federated systems allow distributed content to be brought
together and used as an integrated collection. Individual content managers
retain ownership and governance over each discrete collection, but the content
is made accessible under the principles of the larger federating system. The University
of Michigan Library's Image Services provides a good example. This program
offers mechanisms to integrate image content (e.g., photographs, art, or
architecture) from independent providers and to represent it in a larger access
system. The collection providers retain control, managing the individual image
collections in a variety of different local database systems. Differing types
of descriptive metadata are used for each collection, but each is converted to
a standard encoding (using SGML or XML), and fields are mapped to minimal
Dublin Core metadata in the federating system.
Image Services is optimized to provide access,
without the overhead of a management system for the image collections
themselves. Users can access each collection individually and exploit the full
access protocols for each collection or search across all collections or a
subset using the mapped, core metadata elements. User tools are also
incorporated, allowing image analysis (e.g., pan and zoom) and comparison,
subset creation, and presentation options within the federated system. Thus,
the functional benefits of federation can be achieved without diminishing the
features and specialized functionality of each independent collection.
Federation may seem to be a simple approach to
bringing content together; however, the underlying design principles and
intellectual effort involved suggest a far more complex role for the library.
The difference from the full stewardship model is also significant. Whereas
traditional models bring content control to the library and create a central
access strategy, the federating model balances distributed content and
collection-specific functionality with cross-collection functionality and
tools. Figure 1 outlines the distribution of responsibilities that occurs in
the federated model of Michigan's Image Services.
Distribution of responsibilities in collection federation
Collection Manager Responsibilities
Federation Responsibilities
Collection development and
Content identification and
Metadata development and
Metadata mapping and
Database development and
Tool assessment and
Rights management
Access system development
and maintenance
Collection archiving
Rights protection
Content provider
Fig. 1. University of Michigan Image Services
What is entailed in collection federation? First,
content providers have to be identified for inclusion and evaluated by the
federating agent (in this case, the library). Negotiation and education are
often required to secure the participation of content providers. Contractual
agreements may be necessary that specify the responsibilities of each party and
the conditions for the use of the content. Each collection database structure
must be analyzed and understood to map metadata schema. At the federating system
level, user assessment and task analysis are needed to inform the design of the
search system, and analytic tools must be incorporated. A system architecture
needs to be developed to implement the search, display, and tool functions that
draw on distributed content. Finally, federation requires ongoing assessment of
system functionality and maintenance of the relationships with the content
Organizationally, the service reflects a melding of
expertise related to the subject domain, content characteristics, access,
service, and technology. One could add to the list skills related to
human-computer interaction, interface design, and usability assessment.
Technology infrastructure is imperative, as are the "organizational
infrastructure," (i.e., the server and software apparatus) and the
"relationship apparatus" reflected in sustaining the federation
partnership. Threaded throughout programs of this sort are often issues of
intellectual property, licensing, and rights management. The organizational
implications are significant. There are obvious investments required to build
the technology components. Perhaps more critical than any financial investment,
however, is organizational support for the coalescing of expertise within and
outside of the library.
An additional implication of the federating model
relates to the responsibility for documenting and preserving scholarly
resources over time. In the federated model, the library controls neither the
content nor the permanence of these resources. To the extent that component
collection databases are dynamic and subject to decisions of the distributed
collection managers, the library must forgo its traditional archiving role.
However, this prompts a new responsibility for the library in influencing and educating
individual content providers, the institution, and the community about the
requirements for preservation and archiving of resources.
Library as
As a second example of new paradigms for the
library's role in collection development, we see libraries becoming more
engaged in the publishing process, including content presentation, management,
and distribution policies and practices. This moves the library closer to the
point of creation and distribution in the publishing process and broadens its
functions beyond archiving and mediation for published works.
There are several variations on the theme of
library-as-publisher. In some instances (e.g., Stanford University's HighWire
Press or Johns Hopkins University's Project MUSE), the focus has been on
providing robust distribution services for established society and university
presses. Other enterprises, such as the California Digital Library's
e-Scholarship program, serve more as incubators, providing tools and services
to facilitate innovation in publishing, particularly e-print or similar
repositories. The content creators and producers are within the University of
California system, where they may serve institutional interests as well.
Finally, there are examples such as the Electronic Publishing Initiative at
Columbia (EPIC), where the partner organizations exercise direct control over
content, pricing, and distribution in a classic publishing model.
Although these three publisher/distributor examples
differ in the degree of control over content (e.g., content evaluation and
editorial control), they share some features. Each model engages the library
directly in the processes of publishing. Consequently, there is an opportunity
for libraries to advocate for responsible practices (e.g., on pricing,
licensing, or archiving) as well as to develop new relationships with
The ideologies that inform these new roles in
publishing are potentially in keeping with the values of libraries and the
emerging interests of institutions and authors relative to intellectual
property ownership and conditions of use. In some cases, there are
opportunities to respond to institutional interests regarding the retention of
copyright and cost-effective processes and products that can be sustained for
the future. Less clear is the extent to which these new roles tap the core
expertise of libraries and librarians. Libraries usually bring expertise in
information dissemination and use, rather than contribute to the editorial or
evaluative aspects of publishing. Consequently, it seems more likely that
publishing ventures for libraries will be carried out in partnership with other
organizations that have these necessary skills. In this context, library
involvement in publishing and content distribution plays off of the fundamental
experiences libraries have with information acquisition, access, use, and
Organizing and providing access to information is
another classic role of libraries. The twin functions of cataloging and
classification have allowed published works to be fixed in a framework of
knowledge and to be given multiple access points for retrieval—a combination
that has supported general inquiry over time. These functions have brought
predictability and a cumulative order to vast amounts of material. As protocols
for structuring and sharing bibliographic data were developed for automated
systems and networks, libraries have been able to share these data and build
more flexible access systems. In many respects, bibliographic utilities such as
OCLC and RLIN and the model of shared cataloging represent early, primitive
models of distributed and open approaches to library functions. As distributed
forces prevail, models are emerging that no longer rely on central data and
capabilities, but rather harness resources through new, distributed mechanisms.
Traditional access activities have been largely
undifferentiating and unintrusive; that is, all materials added to libraries
have generally had the same descriptive treatment and the functionality or
structure of the works themselves have not been materially altered by these
processes. As new types of digital content emerge that are structured, include
multimedia, and encompass associative links to other resources, it is unlikely
that these classic techniques for access can suffice.
Doug Greenberg (2000) has offered a stark
characterization of the contrast between traditional library and Internet
techniques of access:
If the key to the library's power is its rigid,
counterintuitive arrangement of static information in a comprehensible and
hierarchical structure, the key to the Internet's power is its flexible
arrangement of dynamic information that permits the human mind literally to
jump from one thing to another and back again with no more than stream of
consciousness as a guide. It is anybody's guess which of these systems is
better adapted to human creativity and curiosity.
The challenge for libraries is to sustain the
significant capabilities developed through standards-based bibliographic
processes while taking advantage of new access strategies that have been
created as a result of new media standards and communication protocols.
Libraries have responded to the challenges of
content description for new digital media, extrapolating from existing
cataloging practices to develop various metadata schema. These schema have
recognized the new types of attributes necessary to represent digital objects
and services fully, that is, to describe more than just their content and
topic. Administrative and structural metadata, for example, add significant
value and capture information about provenance, property rights, and methods of
creation or capture, as well as information about the object's structure that
can be used by retrieval systems.
Communities and
Metadata developments generally reflect an
extension of cataloging practices to new dimensions of content and access.
Libraries are seeking to understand how these new access strategies might
better serve target user communities. In particular, libraries now analyze how
content should be represented to achieve the desired functionality within
access systems. Assessing functionality increasingly requires an understanding
of how content is used, and by whom. For example, metadata for a collection of
plant or animal specimens might incorporate scientific as well as popular names
to serve both research investigators and K12 users. Or a research user may
need to map specimen data for geographic analysis, thus requiring the
specification and inclusion of spatial references.
As the information environment has become more
distributed and more collaborative, how have these forces affected the
library's role in facilitating access? Two interesting examples can be found in
the OAI and in the functions of metadata harvesting. Although OAI initially
focused on e-print archives and new models of scholarly communication, it now
is involved in the development and promotion of "interoperability
standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content . . .
independent of both the type of content offered and the economic mechanisms
surrounding that content" (Lagoze et al. 2002).
Metadata harvesting techniques address the
inability of the popular network search engines to tap the riches of digital
libraries and other content that lives within databases and repositories (the
so-called deep Web). Metadata harvesting projects involve both
"exposing" metadata associated with digital library collections
(using specified protocols) and developing harvesting services that can gather
these exposed metadata and create access services appropriate for specific uses
or user communities. In the early phase of development, both general and
specialized services have been proposed; the latter require attention to
domain-specific vocabulary or other characteristics associated with specific
formats, uses, or users.
As an example of a specialized service, the
University of Virginia's proposed American Studies Information Community will
draw on harvesting protocols to bring together disparate types of information
(text, data, media, images) for a community, defined as a group of scholars,
students, researchers, librarians, information specialists, and citizens with a
common interest in a particular thematic area. The project is being undertaken
collaboratively with other institutions and content providers (e.g., Thomas
Jefferson Foundation, Virginia Tech University, and the Smithsonian National
Museum of American Art). The University of Virginia describes these information
communities as "learning and teaching environments in which subject-driven
websites are developed around print and digital versions of our collections and
the teaching interests of our faculty members . . . Information communities
will foster interdisciplinary and collaborative research and publication
amongst scholars with common interests."
This access model is interesting because it
reflects several trends that are also evident in the broader landscape. The new
service will take advantage of a distributed collection model and a range of partners.
The descriptive techniques will reflect enhanced attributes appropriate to the
subject area and the diverse formats in the distribut ed collections. Analytic
tools will be incorporated to add value to the content and to stimulate
collaboration. Perhaps most significant, the access system is explicitly
designed to serve a social role as a catalyst for an interdisciplinary
community—a far more intrusive role than is provision of access alone.
A similar model for creating a collaborative
environment that mixes content and tools can be found in the construct of a
collaboratory, having its genesis in the research community. In many respects,
collaboratories are a new incarnation of the "invisible college" of
the past, in that they focus on creating a communication environment.
Collaboratories have been defined as "tool-oriented computing and
communication systems to support scientific collaboration" (National
Research Council 1993). An often-cited example of a collaboratory, the Space
Physics and Aeronomy Research Collaboratory (SPARC), provides an online
knowledge environment for atmospheric scientists worldwide. SPARC incorporates
the ability to control remote telescopes and instrumentation, to review and
collaboratively analyze observational data of atmospheric events, to create and
archive vast amounts of research data, and to use tools to manipulate the data.
To the extent that libraries begin to develop
access techniques in response to a community and to support the potential
development of collaboratories for these communities, we see them assuming a
far more integral role within the scholarly arena. In contrast to the
approaches to access created in the past, which were focused on published
content and largely independent of the less formal aspects of scholarly
communication (as in the invisible colleges), this emergent model has the
potential to bridge formal and informal communication structures and to develop
these structures working closely with the target community of content creators
and users. The role of the library moves from manager of scholarly products to
that of participant in the scholarly communication process.
Access and the
Semantic Web
A second example of new dimensions of access—an
exploration of the emerging Semantic Web—is still in a formative stage.
The creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee,
is the intellectual force behind the Semantic Web as well. Berners-Lee notes,
"the Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current
one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling
computers and people to work in cooperation" (Berners-Lee 2001). The
Semantic Web brings together metadata, a language to structure the data, and a
road map (or ontology, as known in the artificial intelligence community) that
explains relationships between terms. These ingredients for knowledge
representation—structured content, rich metadata, and a framework or ontology
of relationships—allow software agents in computer systems to make inferences
and therefore retrieve more intelligently from the vast body of distributed
information on the Internet.
Designing the Semantic Web will require a mix of
skills, and librarians have the potential to contribute significantly to this
effort. One area in which they may become involved is metadata creation, where
librarians' expertise in descriptive techniques has obvious relevance. The more
complex arena of ontologies—defining relationships between entities such as
classes and subclasses or properties and subproperties—is one in which
librarians have latent experience in areas such as thesaurus development.
Primarily the domain of computer scientists, ontologies and their specification
could involve the library community in more multidimensional description,
defining and specifying the logic of relationships between metadata elements
and objects, e.g., "This document is a digital manifestation of a print
In addition to benefiting from rules for representing
content and defining relationships, the Semantic Web will benefit from
establishing a means of certifying the authenticity and provenance of the
content. Otherwise, the diversity of providers and the scarcity of benchmarks
to discern quality will seriously limit the Internet as an information
retrieval system. How do we know the origin of what we retrieve, whether the
descriptive information matches the object, and whether we can believe and
trust the metadata? To move the Web from an unstructured and undifferentiated
mass of information to a more useful and scaleable information environment,
systems of trust and provenance will be essential.
Trust in the Semantic Web can be established
through context (e.g., content or metadata from a known group or an
authoritative source) or through digital signatures to verify authorship. While
the Semantic Web is still in an early stage, one can imagine a scenario in
which content selected by or associated with a library access service could
establish a context in which the integrity of the information could be
validated, in the same way that library acquisition of content in physical
collections reflects a selection decision. This possibility, coupled with the
proposed methods to validate the source (for example, with digital signatures
that certify the content in a similar fashion to publisher imprints), could
significantly enhance the library's role in refining retrieval.
Greater intelligence in information systems (for
example, through software agents) can make connections between resources,
respond to user preferences, and retrieve content on the basis of an array of
attributes. If libraries previously were valued for their role in mediating
between content and user, what does this new and seamless mediation portend for
their future roles? A critical aspect of the library's future may lie in the
notion of trust. In the past, a user would make general inferences about a resource
on the basis of the fact that it was "associated with a library and its
collection" and through use of descriptive information provided by the
library. By continuing its descriptive role and using new virtual mechanisms to
convey context for users, the library can continue to be a signifier that the
resource or collection has been examined and formally described, and that a
decision has been made about inclusion. This context could be created through
well-defined collections of content and services, use of metadata to represent
content attributes fully, and development of structures that can validate
content and its source.
In the examples cited previously, we see instances
where the library's role—in this case, providing access to information—is being
reshaped by distributed forces and open models. Here, too, we see the potential
for the library's more active engagement and collaboration. Moving beyond
simple, descriptive access, libraries will be challenged to understand and
fulfill community requirements for robust retrieval and for providing assurance
of the integrity and authenticity of content.
User Services
Library user services have traditionally focused on
collections support (i.e., helping users identify, retrieve, and use resources)
or educational activities to help patrons use their libraries more effectively.
These activities have largely been distinct; for example, reference services
respond to individuals with specific questions, and instructional programs
target classes with general educational needs. The analysis that follows
provides examples of more distributed approaches to user services that reflect
the development of complex and integrating systems of support.
Evidence of changing user behavior has been
documented but is not fully understood. Academic libraries have reported
declining in-library attendance and declining use of in-library services such
as reference and circulation, although some are experiencing increases in
instructional activity (Kyrillidou and Young 2001). Other data indicate a rise
in the use of and preference for electronic content (Self and Hiller 2001).
Institutional instructional management systems are offering alternative venues
for course reserve materials, and the use of traditional course reserve methods
has declined. While the profession has yet to analyze fully the relationship
among these trends, they suggest increased location-independent use of library
and non-library content and heightened interest in acquiring the skills needed
to make better use of the myriad systems and services now available on the
network. Course-management systems also reflect the increasing desire for
services that integrate resources (e.g., syllabi, readings, lecture notes, chat
capabilities). These shifts in user behavior and interests prompt the library
both to extend traditional services in the networked environment and to
consider the broader set of user needs to be addressed in systems of user
Virtual Reference
The past decade has seen a rise in reference services
to support more virtual inquiry. Whereas, initially, the library mainly served
remote users who were affiliated with the institution, it eventually came to
serve a more global market. Virtual reference methods began with simple
communication exchanges, such as reference via e-mail. They now incorporate
tools that allow reference librarians to more fully understand the nuance of
the reference interview context (e.g., using video technology to capture
nonverbal behaviors) or to provide real-time assistance with electronic
resources (e.g., through "chat" functions and through technologies to
"capture" the user's workstation and guide or "co-browse"
networked resources).
Many non-library reference services have blossomed
on the Internet. These "expert" or "Ask-a" services may
match users and experts, offer specific topic strengths, or incorporate natural
language technologies to parse the inquiry and provide a more rapid, automated
response. A recent survey of such services suggests that these sites are most
effective in response to fact-based inquiries, and that the niche for digital
reference services in academic libraries may lie in supporting more in-depth
and source-dependent questions (Janes, Hill, and Rolfe 2001). Consequently,
users may seek answers to simpler questions on the "greater network"
and use library services for more complex inquiries. Given the unlikely
coordination between commercial and library services, an interesting set of
"design" issues arises. Should libraries develop specialized services,
assuming that the Internet will fulfill general needs? Will non-library
services of the Internet be of sufficient quality and reliability to satisfy
While no data exist to capture the changes in
complexity of questions posed to virtual reference services, subjective
evidence suggests that these questions are becoming more difficult, and that
more queries now require combining content, technology, and instructional
assistance (Janes 2002). If users are already beginning to differentiate their sources
of support, libraries will have no choice but to determine how best to develop
services in the context of what is commonly available on the Internet.
Directing users to available fact-based reference sites may be one option,
particularly during times of the day when libraries cannot provide
human-mediated assistance. The bottom line is that when designing services,
libraries must take into account the broader service landscape and user
The evolution of electronic reference from single
to multi-institutional services creates a more complex framework for virtual
assistance. In these models, reference services are collaboratively staffed and
mechanisms are developed to profile staff and institutional specializations in
systematic and structured ways. In addition, the services often incorporate
capabilities for real-time discussion and knowledge databases to store the
results of reference transactions for future use. The Collaborative Digital
Reference Service coordinated by the Library of Congress, for example, is
developing an international infrastructure that is designed to manage inquiries
submitted by users worldwide and is staffed by librarians worldwide (Kresh
2000). While the model highlights seamless access to global resources, it also harnesses
the human capital of library professionals. Expertise is as important as the
network of library collections.
As more functional and intelligent systems are
being developed for collection access, the development of reference systems has
also involved the specification of standards to enable interoperability among
sites and to allow more complex functionality. Evolving protocols and metadata
will specify the representation, communication, and archiving of user
transactions (Lankes 2001, Butler 2001). The emergence of these standards,
along with the move from institutional to collaborative models, is creating a
more finely articulated system that supports transactions, communication, and
management needs for distributed services.
Viewed in the context of the three developmental
stages described earlier, virtual reference services are early in the second
stage, beginning to test collaborative approaches. Mechanisms for coordination
are still relatively primitive, and the descriptive metadata infrastructure
needed to support collaboration is nascent. There are reasons for this rate of
development. Developing techniques to describe individual or institutional
expertise or to capture complex questions will entail significant effort. The
organizational and governance issues are equally challenging. Earlier
cooperation among institutions for reference services was done largely through
hierarchical systems of referral within state or regional cooperatives (where
size of collection and staff determined placement in the hierarchical tiers).
The "point-to-point" systems now emerging in virtual, cooperative
reference represent a far different model of collaboration—one in which the
rules of engagement must be newly specified.
Characteristics of more diffuse activity will
become more tangible as virtual reference systems are more widely adopted and
integrated seamlessly into the library organization and the instructional and
research systems of the academic community. Within library organizations, the
next phase of development is likely to show evidence of greater integration
between on-site and virtual services, integration of reference and technology
expertise, and more finely specified tiers of service and referral (see, for
example, Ferguson 2000).
Reference systems may be included as visible and
discrete services in online instructional and research environments, or they
may be seamlessly interwoven to allow automatic support. For example, a library
reference system could be incorporated into a research collaboratory
environment as a separately identifiable resource to be selected when help is
needed. Alternatively, mechanisms may be developed within access systems to
prompt users to seek reference assistance when they are having problems (e.g.,
after several unsuccessful searches or inquiries). These prompts could be
mediated by librarians or addressed by automated "Help" files tied to
the specific problem.
Research on user failure in libraries has
documented areas where users frequently experience problems; for example, the
library may not own the desired item, users may ineffectively use the catalog
or other access services, or a desired item may not be found on the shelf.
Often, the user does not interpret these problems as "failures," and
they do not necessarily result in a request for assistance. In the electronic
environment, there is an opportunity to build in mechanisms to capture
problematic interactions between content and user. This opportunity to provide
point-of-problem guidance, along with the ability to collect detailed data on
use, may allow the library to be a presence in an area where it previously was
unable to provide support. A key challenge will be striking the right balance
between proactive and reactive assistance.
While the traditional notion of library services
focuses on user-initiated requests within a library facility, the more diffuse
constructs bring reference and technical expertise to a wide range of contexts,
within both physical libraries and online environments. Query-based services are
expanded and enhanced with more context-sensitive or resource-specific support.
Ultimately, the library's presence becomes more pervasive and its services more
fully integrated into the processes of learning and research.
Instruction—helping people use library resources
more effectively through directed and structured educational activities—is
another core service that libraries have traditionally offered users. (Such
support has been geared typically, although not exclusively, to undergraduate
students.) In the digital age, putting bounds around "library
resources" has become a daunting task. Moreover, the instructional needs
of users have changed dramatically as new methods for teaching and learning
have emerged.
What has changed in the learning environment? While
the answer to this question varies by institution and by discipline, certain
trends are evident. In the 1990s, higher education was influenced by two forces
that, though unrelated in principle, ultimately became intertwined in reshaping
the educational experience. First, technologies emerged that enabled
distance-independent, asynchronous venues for instruction. These technologies
were adopted not only for use in distance education programs but also for more
generalized applications on campus. The second phenomenon was the growing
pressure to rethink the academy's approaches to teaching and learning,
particularly with respect to the undergraduate community. These two forces have
created a volatile environment, but one that offers tremendous opportunities
for libraries.
Several recent reports chronicle the changing
philosophies of the instructional experience. In 1998, a National Governors'
Association poll found that the facilitation of life-long learning and the
development of more collaborative and applied opportunities for learning were
among the governors' top priorities in higher education. The same year, the
Boyer Commission report, Reinventing Undergraduate Education, challenged
universities to revitalize undergraduate curricula and to create a
baccalaureate experience that draws on and is in tegrated with the
institution's overall programs and mission (Boyer Commission 1998). More
recently, the Pew Charitable Trust's National Survey of Student Engagement (Kuh
2001) and the Kellogg Commission report on the future of state and land-grant
universities (Kellogg 2001) described the need for stronger links between
discovery and learning through opportunities for student engagement in active
learning and in community issues.
These analyses have prompted institutions of higher
education to give greater priority to undergraduate education and to rethink
the fundamentals of the undergraduate experience. University of Illinois
Chancellor Nancy Cantor has described these fundamentals as a trinity of needs,
saying that "students must be prepared to embrace technology, to work
collaboratively, and to interact with a diverse set of people and ideas"
(Cantor 2000).
There are countless examples of institutional
responses to the themes highlighted in these analyses. At a general level,
there are alternatives to lecture-based and classroom-intense methods.
Projects, often group based, are increasingly part of the curriculum.
Opportunities for engagement with community and social issues are on the rise.
Discovery-based learning models are in evidence. Many institutions have
launched initiatives to integrate these developments. For example, the
University of Maryland's Gemstone program fosters multidisciplinary community
experiences with active engagement in real-life problems. Teamwork and
technology are critical components. The James M. Johnston Center for
Undergraduate Excellence at the University of North Carolina has created a
place for collaborative inquiry, teleconferencing with remote sites, and a
laboratory for innovation in teaching and learning. The common themes are, as
Cantor (2000) details, technology, collaboration, and diversity (in the
broadest sense, as reflected in the intellectual diversity of interdisciplinary
How do these changing values and priorities in the
educational experience affect the library and its roles in support of teaching
and learning? Do traditional approaches of bibliographic instruction still
resonate? While information sources and methods for finding information are
still a useful component of library instruction, a broader construct of
information literacy has emerged as a framework for effective information
inquiry. This framework can provide a repertoire of essential skills that
support students in new learning contexts.
What skills are necessary for information inquiry
in the digital age? Is it possible to separate content skills from the tools
that facilitate access? Has the basic function of inquiry changed as new
analytic capabilities become available? A number of perspectives have been
brought to bear in understanding these new dimensions of learning and
associated skills.5These perspectives generally articulate two
dimensions of literacy. One dimension reflects the need for skills to exploit
technology to use information effectively. The second dimension is the need for
a conceptual understanding of information and knowledge processes. In reality,
a marriage of these fluencies is needed. The traditional functions of
identifying, finding, and evaluating information are joined with more
conceptual notions of inquiry, information analysis, and use. These information
skills are now interwoven with technology skills.
Bruce (1997) has posed one of the more interesting
integrated frameworks for information literacy. It features a series of
maturational levels that begin with a basic capability with technology and move
the individual to an increasingly more sophisticated appreciation of
information sources, information use and problem solving, and information
management. Building an understanding of the characteristics of information is
also important to literacy; issues of intellectual property, authenticity, and
provenance are critical in a networked environment where the traditional
signifiers of quality are absent. Libraries are then challenged to articulate a
conceptual framework for instruction that integrates these concepts and skills
in support of student learning.
Two different models of information literacy
programs illustrate how these practical and conceptual dimensions are
integrated. The University of Texas's Texas Information Literacy Tutorial
(TILT) program has developed a set of online modules that teach research
skills. While designed to develop technical and information resource skills,
TILT also seeks to build an understanding of information issues relating to
censorship, privacy, commerce, global communities, and legal and policy
constructs. TILT uses discovery-based and interactive approaches to learning. A
particularly interesting aspect of TILT is its open source agreement for the
underlying software, which will permit collaborative development of future
The University of Washington's UWired program is a
collaborative undertaking of the libraries, campus technology offices, and
educational program offices. It targets both faculty and students, and has
developed tools and content for these distinct audiences. Like TILT, the
program employs active learning techniques in its tutorials and also develops
the learner's technical skills. UWired includes an outreach dimension as well,
designing programs carried out within "commons" facilities in
libraries, faculty symposia, and workshops; for-credit seminars; ties with
freshman curricula; and programs with the community, the school system, and
international partners. This program has clearly served as a catalyst for
creating partnerships and for extending the library's reach beyond the
campus-based curriculum.
TILT and UWired offer compelling examples of
successful collaboration and the use of new pedagogical and technological
methods to instruct both students and faculty. Both approaches represent a
synthesis of traditional librarian experience and increasing knowledge of
instructional design, the architecture of networked information within a
discipline, and relevant tools for analysis and access. Diffuse characteristics
are notable as the programs reach into the curriculum and are adopted as
integral components of the educational experience. The diffusion continues as
opportunities are made available to share the development with others and as
the capabilities are leveraged in service to the institution's outreach agenda
(e.g., Washington's international programs).
As libraries have become more distributed and more
collaborative on their campuses, some interesting organizational models have
emerged that involve librarians more directly in academic program development.
Several of these programs have characteristics that recall the clinical
librarian models developed in the last several decades.7 For example, Stanford's Academic Technology
Specialist Program has created discipline-specific appointments that emphasize
providing assistance onsite within academic departments (Keller 1997). Combining
subject and technology expertise, these professionals are vital links between
academic programs and central curatorial or computing staff resources. The
University of Michigan's recently launched Field Librarian program similarly
joins subject knowledge, technology, and library expertise. The appointments
are developed collaboratively with academic programs, and the field librarians
are physically located within the academic department to facilitate their
direct engagement in faculty teaching and research.
Library as Place
The library has a continued role as place. In the
past, this function has been characterized as a location for individuals and
information to interact—a place for users to tap collections or for library
staff to bring users and information together. The physicality of libraries and
their collections is an often-cited value. The ability to browse and experience
the gestalt of an array of resources has been a time-honored technique for
inquiry, and the physical experience of books, maps, or manuscripts is
important for many. Library facilities also serve a social function, providing
a common ground for users to interact or a neutral site for individuals from
different disciplines to come together.
The changes in library roles discussed thus far
have obvious consequences for library facilities. Once the physical centerpiece
of a campus with large, central collections, library resources are now more
distributed and library users more nomadic. The challenge is twofold:
reconceiving library buildings to reflect changing user behavior and needs, and
developing the library's network presence as a virtual place of comparable
Libraries face a paradox with respect to facilities
and their use. Data from the Association of Research Libraries and individual
institutional analyses show a decline in building traffic. Yet some campuses
report increased interest in 24-hour availability of library facilities. The
University of Washington's ongoing survey of users reflects these trends, with
the most recent responses indicating decreased facility use by faculty and
graduate students, and a modest increase in use reported by undergraduates
(Self and Hiller 2001). Washington has a 24-hour undergraduate library facility
and well-established computer facilities within libraries, which the survey
data indicate are heavily used.
While most libraries have incorporated computing
capabilities, the characteristics of new computer facilities are noteworthy. A
recently launched service of the Coalition for Networked Information and
Dartmouth College Library, Collaborative Facilities, compiles and
disseminates information about new types of campus facilities that are being
developed within libraries, many of which receive collaborative support from
campus organizations. Several of the projects focus on creating new types of
instructional services and integrating digital media and computer resources.
These new uses of facilities are consistent with the changes in the curriculum
and research methods noted earlier. While still serving as a place for
collections, library facilities increasingly serve as environments for learning
and collaboration.
As geography loses its primacy as a basis for
organizing libraries and as the phenomenal growth of digital content continues,
libraries are challenged to identify ways to make their virtual roles visible
and tangible to their campus communities. Too often, users do not know where
responsibility lies for networked content and services; information and
services are simply there, and presumably free. Is there a new sense of place in a digital
As described, there are emergent roles for
libraries in a digital context that are extrapolations of existing functions.
Here, the challenge may be to ensure awareness of these now-virtual services
and the library's responsibility for them. A more complex undertaking is
establishing roles that do not easily build on existing library functions.
While marketing is no less an issue, a fundamental hurdle is the demonstration
of library expertise through sufficient investment to make visible its role in
While the nature of library facilities will change,
the notion of library as place remains important in both physical and virtual
contexts. Increasingly, this sense of place serves strategically to further the
development of new roles.