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"जिबन पर्यन्त शिक्षाका लागि पुस्तकालय (Library for lifelong education)"

Friday, March 8, 2024

Use of AI in Library and Information Services

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making significant strides and rapidly transforming the way libraries and information services operate.AI enhancing various aspects of library operations and services. Let’s delve into how AI is transforming libraries:

1.    Information Retrieval and Search Enhancement:

-AI technologies improve search functionality within library catalogs and databases.

-DynaMed and Micromedex with Watson and Expert.ai are examples of AI-powered search tools integrated into library systems

-These tools enhance the accuracy and relevance of search results, making it easier for patrons to find the information they need.

2.    Personalized Recommendations:

-AI algorithms analyze user behavior and preferences to provide personalized recommendations.

-Libraries can use AI to suggest relevant books, articles, or resources based on a patron’s past interactions.

-This tailored approach enhances the user experience and encourages exploration.

3.    Resource Management Optimization:

-AI assists in optimizing resource allocation, ensuring that libraries efficiently allocate budgets, staff, and physical space.

-Predictive analytics help libraries anticipate demand for specific materials, leading to better collection management.

4.    Enhanced User Experience:

-Chatbots powered by AI provide instant assistance to library users, answering common queries and guiding them through services.

-AI-driven virtual assistants enhance user engagement and accessibility.

5.    Data-Driven Decision-Making:

-AI analyzes data on library usage, circulation patterns, and user preferences.

-Insights from this data inform decisions related to acquisitions, services, and outreach.

6.    Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:

-AI facilitates collaboration among libraries by recommending relevant research articles, connecting researchers, and identifying potential partnerships.

-It fosters knowledge sharing within the library community.

In summary, AI is revolutionizing library services, making them more efficient, user-friendly, and responsive to patrons’ needs. Libraries play a crucial role in educating users about AI and its implications, ensuring responsible and ethical adoption

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